They say being copied is a compliment.
Well, we've been informed that someone in China is trying to license the domain name We are proud to be an American manufacturer, that works with other American suppliers for materials. We build our Superior SoftSpas and Superior HeatPumps right here in Pea Ridge, Arkansas, USA. We DO NOT plan on ever having people in China build our SoftSpas or HeatPumps. We will be happy to continue to ship worldwide, but we are MADE IN AMERICA, making, in America, products that we are proud of.
Thank you for your reassurance that we are doing the right thing.
NEW Superior SoftSpas
Yes, we bought out Splash Super Pools’ Splashtub line of SoftSpas. We are now building the Superior SoftSpas we helped develop over the past 30 years. Feedback has assured us — we are building a much more consumer friendly SoftSpa.
MORE Comfortable
MORE Efficient
MORE Durable
MORE Affordable
LESS Hassle